The School of the Freudian Letter announces the Richard Klein Scholarships, in memory of the psychoanalyst himself who had passed away in December 2021. The SFL acknowledges his legacy and his work importance for psychoanalysts, as well as his wish for subjects to receive psychoanalytic formation in a style supporting their desire. There are 6 scholarships provided each year, distributed equally to the UK, Republic of Serbia and Cyprus. The scholarships are given to students of psychology or psychiatry. The scholarships are yearly and they are renewed automatically for consequent years.
The Grant covers:
- Seminar, Cartel participation, and Group Studies participation
- Personal Analysis (a small symbolic fee is applied according to the country)
Applicants’ contributions:
-A symbolic fee per month towards their analyst for their individual sessions
-120 euros per year towards the psychoanalytic society from which they will receive the scholarship. This can be payable in 3 payments (this fee is waived for Serbian applicants)
-Their desire to work
Deadline for applications:
June the 15th by 1 pm EET is the deadline for submitting your applications. The form can be downloaded here, and filled and signed to be returned scanned to this email: