On Friday 18th of March, Charoula Pilavaki, Lacanian psychoanalyst in formation with the SFL, will deliver a seminar on the topic: ‘Divine Drive’.
About a year ago, I had the chance to interview the lacanian psychoanalyst Petros Patounas on “That which is Feminine”. Among other innovative ideas, words and contributions, Patounas introduces for the first time the term “The Divine Drive”. There is something in this term so magical that it drives me by its own to explore it, to make my own research and why not organise a new interview with Patounas around it in the future. In this seminar, I will share with the audience how I understand the Divine Drive at this stage of my formation and try to elaborate more on this dimension.
Charoula Pilavaki
Key words: Divine drive, Desire proper, Act, Breath, Feminine, ErgOn, ParOusia, Alien, No-body.
Date: 18th March, 2022 Time: 8:30 pm EET (Cyprus’ time) Host: School of the Freudian Letter Participation Fees: €20 (50% discount to Members of the Cyprus Society of the SFL and to students under 25 years old) Language: English
Limited places available.
For further info & reservations contact: Marina Pafitou info@freudianletter.com