On Wednesday 29th of June, Marinos Maliali, Lacanian psychoanalyst in formation with the SFL, will deliver a seminar on the topic: ‘On the formation of analysts: from the subject to the verb’ and it is based on the article ‘On the Verbification of the Subject of the Unconscious‘ from the book ‘On the Ascesis of Psychoanalysts’ written by Petros Patounas. In this seminar Mr. Maliali will decipher some of the cryptographic elements in Patounas’ text and explain the process of the verbification of the subject in the formation of analysts through the process of analysis.
- Libido
- Das Ding
- The Letter
- Unconsious
- Subject: the body made of Signifiers
- The Other
- The Agalma
- Jouissance
- Drive: from death to life
- Verbification
- Asomatic s-ex-instance
- Ousia
- The dark matter of Lunguage
- The Ergon
- The Act
- Ascesis
- On the transmission of the Ascesis
Date: 29 June, 2022
Time: 8:30 pm EET (Cyprus’ time)
Host: School of the Freudian Letter
Participation Fees: €20 (50% discount to Members of the Cyprus Society of the SFL and to students under 25 years old)
Language: English
Limited places available.
For further info & reservations contact:
Marina Pafitou info@freudianletter.com