The Round Table Discussions will take place in 6 sessions across the year and will be hosted via the Zoom platform, with a duration of 1.5 hours.
Participants are invited to speak for a few minutes about a book, a chapter, a paragraph, a quote or a concept relevant to the field of psychoanalysis. These are open events providing space for SFL’s participants to share their perspectives and ideas as peers, based on one of the School’s founding principles as ‘a school of analysands’.
We are honoured to announce that Penny Georgiou, one of the founding members of the SFL, will act as the facilitator. You are each invited to take this opportunity to develop your ideas inspired by psychoanalytic work and for your presence to speak of them in an authentic and accessible way.
The Round Tables will be taking place on Wednesdays on the following dates/times:
1. On the 28th of September 2022:
Prolegomenon with Penny Georgiou:
Formation of Analysts, Fathoming Decisions of Being
Colleagues may wish to consult sections II-III of Jacques Lacan’s ‘Presentation on Psychical Causality’ in advance. This paper was first presented on September 28th 1946 at the psychiatric conference held in Bonneval.
2. On the 9th of November 2022
3. On the 11th of January 2023
4. On the 8th March 2023
5. On the 10th May 2023
6. On the 12th July 2023
Time: 8:30 pm EET (Cyprus’ time)
Host: School of the Freudian Letter
Participation Fees: €20
Only for full members of the school
Language: English
Limited places available.
For further info & reservations contact:
Marina Pafitou info@freudianletter.com