On 13th of April 2019 Lacanian Psychoanalyst Petros Patounas will present a seminar with the title “Breath – The Object of Desire”.
This seminar belongs to the series of seminars presented by Petros Patounas with a general title “The Breath: the object of the Respiratory Drive”.
The presentation will touch upon vital yet basic questions such as:
– what is desire?
– what is jouissance?
– what is a desiring Body?
– what is the source of the Respiratory Drive?
Address: 18 Polygnostou Street, Santhemis Court 2, 1st Floor, 103, Limassol 3082
Time: 16:00 – 18:00
Language: Greek
Entrance fee: €20
Booking is necessary due to limited seating.
Reservations Contact: Eleftheria Panayiotou, 99 557879